

Now I wouldn't be a true Stoney Boy if I didn't know way more than I should about this ugly stuff. You may be asking yourself, "What the fuck is that shit?" Well my fellow stoners and stonettes, this is AFTERMATH. It's called that because it makes your brain feel like it does after math...I'm only kidding of course. LOLZ right? Actually it is called aftermath because this is what your weed turns into after vaporization. Remember when I told you the importance of a vaporizer? This is all of the plant material that would have normally gone into your lungs when you use any other smoking device. Pretty gross. So why would i keep all of the aftermath in a tupperware container? For a rainy day of course! Although most of the THC was boiled off of the bud there are still many other strong components in marijuana that get you high besides THC.
Now although this stuff may look and smell disgusting, it actually makes some really great tasting and potent brownies. So you get really high from vaping your weed, then you get really high from eating that same weed. Talk about bang for your buck!
But there's a dark side to aftermath as well... As some of us broke ass Stoney Boys know, sometimes you just gotta get high. Now you may have smoked all your weed, scraped all your resin, and drank all of your cough syrup the night before...So what do you do? You can actually smoke this aftermath from a bong or pipe or even a nasty joint. The feeling is like an immediate bad headache and a pounding sensation behind the eyes that can somewhat pass for being high. The taste of burning hair and garbage will stay on your breath for hours and your friends will be mad that they can't have brownies because your scrubby ass smoked all the aftermath again.
Stoney Boy Tip Of The Day- Although the actual bud is the part most responsible for getting you high, all of the plant has psychoactive ingredients. So save your stems, leaves, and aftermath to make some cannabutter on your next rainy day! (Sorry Seattle and Tacoma)

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