
Grand Daddy Purpose.

Stoney Boys Best Buds is about one mans year long quest to get super stoney and make the most of his 55 dollar medical marijuana card. I will be reviewing all of the amazing buds that I've spent too much money on and give uber chill advice on how to live the life of Stoney Boy.

Now first things first... I would advise anybody who plans on being super baked for a year straight to get a few essentials that will pay off big time in the long run;
1. A decent metal grinder with a kief catcher. You can find this on Amazon for about 12 bucks.
2. You MUST invest in a vaporizer. You can get a decent one for about 50 bucks on Amazon or you can be a fucking stoney bro and buy a 500 dollar volcano. Why is a vaporizer so important you ask? Because you are essentially boiling the THC off of the weed, there are no combustible substances that you inhale. That means there are no carcinogens or tar and getting high is now 100 percent healthy. Now you may be thinking to yourself..."My bong takes all the bad stuff out anyways." WRONG!!! The water in a bong does a better job of filtering out the THC than it does the tar. Not to mention the heat from a lighter burns THC at such a high level that it actually inactivates its fun properties. Smoking from a bong gets you about 30-35 percent of the THC from your weed. In comparison, vaporizing gets you 85 percent and upward. So what does all of this "boil" down to? VAPORIZERS GET YOU MUCH HIGHER OFF OF LESS WEED AND IS 100 PERCENT SAFE ON YOUR LUNGS. (Not to mention you can use your leftover weed for brownies.)

Here is an ideal Stoney Boy setup that costs probably around 60 dollars (not including weed).

Stoney Boy Tip Of The Day- Fake a limp down to your doctor today and tell him you need some medical marijuana, and lets begin our super chill adventure together!

1 comment:

  1. I started somewhere in the middle... and it was great. Then I flipped to see what was most current... and you quit. Then I went back to the beginning and it's supposed to be a year long voyage. Is this just an example of how stoners become lethargic? Wait!! Don't tell me... I'll just start from the beginning here and work my way thru to the end and then let you know what I think about what you knows.
