
You Dirty Dog

So this is STAR DOG. It has a nice green and orange coloring, similar to AK- 47. It has a pretty good amount of crystals considering what it is... Remember in the Grand Daddy Purple blog when I said never judge a weed by it's color? This is a perfect example of that. I was actually given a free eighth of this weed after buying an eighth of much better stuff. So why would they give away this great looking weed? Because this is somebody's first attempt at growing weed and they brought it around to the clubs trying to find a steady seller. The problem is that this weed smells like cat piss and dirt. It tastes like dirt and burned popcorn. It does get you a pretty good head high but it's slow to hit you and short lasting. This is the stuff that a drug dealer sells you while they go and smoke the top shelf shit. Another good thing about this weed (from a drug dealers stand point) is that you can buy this stuff dirt cheap from the clubs. You could buy a 1/2 ounce of this for 50 and turn around and sell it for 200 easily. And all the while the people buying it are seeing it and thinking, wow what a great deal. Like I said before, that 55 dollar medical marijuana card pays itself off within a week.
Stoney Boys Tip Of The Day- Watch "Game Of Thrones" on HBO.

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