
Giving Money To Terrorists

This little devil is called AFGHANI GOO. Or AFGOO. Afghan's grow this stuff in their sand and rocks and caves and sell it to soldiers to bring home and redistribute across the US. All the money sold from Afgoo goes directly to Al Queda. Now much like most middle easterners this weed looks and smells kinda grimy. But if there's been one theme of this blog  so far its been never judge a weed by its color.
Although not the prettiest plant it does give you a pretty nice mellow clear headed high. Afghani strains are an indica and the Goo part comes from a California strain that is mostly indica. The taste is nothing special, like the Afghan's that grew it. Afghani strains are known for their high resin content. Here's a quick resin lessin. Resin is like taking the strongest most psychoactive part of the plant and condensing it into a super potent ball. Here's an example so you alcoholics can relate. Let's say drinking a beer is like smoking a bowl of weed. Then smoking a bowl of hash is like taking 3 shots of everclear. Same stuff, more powerful.
So why is Afghani weed so good for resin? Because it has to be. Think about how shitty it would be to live in Afghanistan. You would need to be super baked off some good resin all the time to escape the heat and the ugly women and the smell of everybody.
Stoney Boy Tip Of The Day- Here is my official ranking on what race grows the best weed...
1. White people- They spend the most time and have the best resources and are much smarter.
2. Afghans- Although very unappealing (like the Afghans), it does the job fairly well (unlike the Afghans).
3. Mexicans- Terrible, terrible weed but... well there's nothing good to say really.
4. Blacks and Asians tie because neither grow weed. Asians are too lame and Black people don't have the space, resources, will-power, or knowledge to grow and if they ever did, one of their own would steal from them, kill them, or snitch on them.

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