
I Just Spilled Glue In My Pants...

Ok first off I want to trademark the phrase "I just spilled glue in my pants" or any variation of the metaphor (simile if you want to get specific)about Elmer's Glue being like jizz. Now that that important piece of information is taken care of, I bring you THE GLUE. This shit is 30 dollars for a half gram, 60 per gram. We are talking about high grade cocaine prices. For weed! I'm no rocket surgeon but that's gotta be more expensive than gold and other precious and semi-precious metals. Maybe. Don't quote me on that. The point is that this is some hella good high grade pure shit. Remember when I said the lighter the color the better. This is bright yellow. It starts to melt if it gets too far above room temperature and it definitely melts in your hand. It leaves them yellow and smelling strongly of concentrated marijuana. It is made by CO2 extraction and is tested around 70 percent THC which is the highest yet tested by me.
I tested this in a vape and it melted like butter into the weed supporting it and the whole thing vaped together and got me super high and clear headed. But that was just with a few little pieces... A true Stoney Boy must unlock the true potential of every form of cannabis (For what reason? I don't know). So I put a small nug of weed in the bottom of the bowl of my bong. Then I loaded a liberal amount of this sticky and hard to hand Glue. Especially with sweaty hands. So I dug deep and melted and smoked the whole thing in one mondo rip. Then I took a sip of water and went on a crash course for the couch. There I laid for a minute just gazing around with my mouth open thinking the usual, "What have I done!?"  Then I got up to get some mouthwash, which I basically consider the "brushing" the teeth for that day. On my way by the mirror I noticed I had the hunched shoulders and T-Rex arms of someone who has lost their mind. That's why I am naming this the NUMBER ONE CONCENTRATE to date. But could there possibly be another more powerful concentrate? And would anyone be dumb enough to try it? The answer might is..........muhuhahahaha. Wouldn't you like to know?


  1. Caviar Spice is better!

  2. Hey math professor...

    60 x 16 = 960

    Gold = 1600

  3. caviar spice is WAYYYYY BETTER

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