
Ice Loves Coco

This is the second time in my life smoking ICE. However it is the first time I've smoked the green kind. Ice was the weed I showed a picture of when I was showing what a lot of trichromes looked like. The sample I got wasn't as good as the picture, but things rarely are. This was some super frosty furry stuff. The trichromes are long and abundant. This was a 55 dollar per eighth strain. It has a great lemony fragrance and was a slow hitting indica. It was slow but very strong and long lasting and kept me from doing anything for several hours. I did watch a good HBO Documentary; Hot Coffee. Remember the dumbass old lady that bought coffee from McDonalds and was driving and spilled on herself and sued McD's for being too hot? Dumb bitch right? Well actually it didn't go down like that at all...that's just what big business wants you to think! She was actually in the passenger seat, pulled over and had the cup between her legs. She was taking the lid off to add some cream and sugar when it accidentally spilled all over her legs. Now that part was her fault no doubt, but he coffee was 180 degrees. They should the old ladies nasty coochy burns and it was horrifying. They thought she was gonna die from it. Now Ronald Mac had already gotten over 700 complaints of burns from his abnormally hot coffee but never did anything about it until it almost killed an old woman. Now this poor old burned woman is used as a scapegoat every time someone has a lawsuit against Big Business. She was awarded 2.6 million dollars, which is two days sales of McDonalds coffee. However because of George W. (sorry Dubya you know I gots love) putting a 250,000 cap on all damages like that, she really didn't get that much after the months of skin grafts and hospital bills. And this kind of stuff is happening all the time. And that is why Ice is a Top 10 Best Bud.

1 comment:

  1. Now see... if McD's would just throw some ICE in with the coffee noone would ever get burnt again. Oh... wait....
