
My Chemical Nemesis...

CHEMESIS!!! I went to the most expensive dispensary in town and said give me the best sativa you have. The black budtender pulled out this 60 dollar/eighth of Chemesis. It is a strain only available at this club and it is bred from Chem Dawg, Chem Sister, and Acapulco Gold. The scent is a strong diesel/chemical/fruit smell. It tastes like fresh linen upon exhale. I felt a rush after about the second pull. It produced a lot more vapor than most buds and kept going for probably 20 solid pulls. These nugs are small and compact but man do they pack a punch. This put me into a whole nether stoney realm. Good for chilling and having a good morning listening to music, bad for going out and interacting socially. But who likes to socialize anyway? Lets face it, people suck. That is why marijuana is being legalized. For all of the cynical people that think everything sucks and they need Mary Jane to make their day a little brighter. Is that such a bad thing? Yes! We are letting these lazy cynical assholes get exactly what they want. But as long as I can buy weed with them I'm cool with it.

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