
Wax On

Another glob of shit? It must be concentrate time! This here wax is EAR WAX. GRAND DADDY PURPLE EAR WAX to be specific. This shit that you see here was 50 dollars for that gram. It starts melting into the runny goo state you see here at room temperature. In the high heat this would be liquid. I freeze it to make it easier to work with. It smells really strong like bad Italian food or something. It tastes kinda similar as well. You put a small glob of this on top of a bowl and get high as shit. It's a very fast hitting psychedelic-like high. If you smoked a quarter of this you would be glued to the ground and probably either crying or laughing hysterically. This is made by a process of making a more and more concentrated solution using butane as the solvent to extract the THC. This is the strongest concentrate sampled to date. But there are still more to come. Can any top this? We shall see...

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