
Going Ape Shit

This frosty little guy is a top shelf strain called GRAPE APE. I used my vape to get vraped by the great Grape Ape. It's a little hard to see the purple because it is completely covered by long white trichromes. It gave an intense but short lasting total body high. It smelled sweet and fruity.
Stoney Boy Tip Of The Day- What stands out most about this weed is obviously the amount of trichromes covering it. These are the furry white things all over it. Here is what these look like up close...
These clear little dick lookin things are actually the main resin gland of marijuana and is packed full of THC, which as we all know is the key psychoactive ingredient in weed. There are other compounds in the plant material itself that gets you high but the high is not as appealing as the feeling given from a high THC percentage.
I thought of an easy way to explaining these glands... Trichromes are like the sour stuff on the outside of sour patch kids. It's the really strong stuff that you buy it for, but once it's all gone the chewy stuff is not bad either. Now if you've ever finished off a big bag of sour patch kids you know there is always a lot of left over powder at the bottom of the bag. This is equivalent to the kief that falls of off the weed. It is a super potent collection of these clear little dicks. These are what get boiled off by the vaporizer while the plant material remains unburned.

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