
There's A Snake In My Boot!

Meet WOODY KUSH. This is a very unique bud. It looks like little wood chips in a jar when compared to all of the other weeds. It also has a "woody" smell. Now I've seen plenty of brown shit weed in my life but this stuff was actually really pretty and fresh. There's been some confusion as to whether this strain was named for it's color and smell or if it was named after the actor Woody Harrelson. It is one of the great debates in the marijuana community comparable to the Han Solo and Greedo shootout (Greedo shoots first). What is known is that it comes from Hindu Kush, OG Kush, and Master Kush. It gave me a very strong sativa head high while locking me to the couch at the same time. It was a smooth and great tasting bud that I have no complaints about. Top 10 best bud. Don't know how high on the list it is though. This weed was 40 bucks an eighth but the sack was a little light... Black people. Psh.
Stoney Boy Tip Of The Day- It's unique strains like this that make this journey all worth it. I've learned more about marijuana and its qualities and drawbacks in the last two months than I have in the last 10 years of fairly frequent smoking. I have been very lazy and inactive and when I do venture out it is usually on a stoney journey (often to work). If I wasn't on this mission to obtain all the best buds as fast as possible this could be a relatively cheap hobby. However, I am on a mission and it has been fairly expensive and is not a reasonable way to spend your money for any extended period of time. It is a quick shortcut to a good time, but sometimes you need to take the scenic route.

1 comment:

  1. I got the same kush i kept thinking it was shit because i see no hairs & its colour, but i finally found a pic that lokks similar to my bud lol now i dont feel worried!
