
Let's Hash This Out

Here is another variety of hash. This is a popular hash known as BUBBLE HASH. Blue Dream bubble hash to be specific. It is called bubble hash because it starts to bubble when you burn it because it is so compact. Blue Dream is just the strain that the hash was made from. So they take all the extra crystals from the batch, put a drop of water on it and put it in a small plastic bag. Then you press it together repeatedly. What is the best way of doing this? By putting the bag in your shoe and taking a long walk! This is why fat people make the best bubble hash. What I did was chop this up with a razor blade and vaporized it and got high as balls. Although watching it bubble is cool when you smoke it with a lighter, THC gets destroyed by such high temperatures. That is why I use a vaporizer to get 100 percent of the expensive THC. I use a razor blade to chop it into as fine of powder as possible to increase the surface area so every THC molecule gets vaporized and not wasted. A small chunk of this got me as high as smoking a full blunt. This sells for anywhere between 15-20 dollars per gram.
Stoney Boy Tip Of The Day- Hash is popular because once you smoke yourself stupid, regular weed doesn't do anything anymore. So I guess the saying is right, marijuana is a gateway drug (to stronger forms of marijuana).

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