
Kiefer Sutherland

So what is this super potent KIEF I keep talking about? Kief comes from the little white crystals or "trichromes" on your weed. These crystals make up most of the THC (the main active ingredient in marijuana) content. Here's what a plant looks like with a LOT of trichromes. This is probably the best weed I have ever seen and number one on my to-do list. It's called ICE.
So below is what those trichromes look like up close. They are the little clear dicks I mentioned in a previous post.
 So to get kief you need to shake your weed over a screen and only the crystals fall through. My four stage grinder works perfect for this. After you grind the weed it falls into the next chamber above a screen. Ground weed is great kiefing because it is ground fairly fine already. Then you open up your bottom chamber and collect this...
Pure beautiful kief. Sprinkle this on top of a bowl and get high as shit. But be careful because there is a fine line between high and too high. Remember the hash I had earlier. It was made by compressing a bunch of kief, adding a drop of water, and compressing it more. That is called pressed hash. Here is a picture below if you forgot what it looks like. In future posts I will be going over lots of other ways to make hash.

Stoney Boy Tip Of The Day- Get yourself a 4 stage grinder today. I bought mine on amazon for12 dollars and it really helps you get the most out of your weed. It is a must to have a grinder if you have a vaporizer, and we have already established that a vaporizer is a must as well. Since I started "getting vraped" my lungs feel AMAZING. I don't have a cough anymore and don't hack up black loogies every morning. The high you get from being brutally vraped is much clearer and cleaner feeling due to the lack of carbon monoxide you get from pipes and bongs and joints and such. I've noticed vaping doesn't give me headaches like the others did. All around it just feels way better and healthier and honestly it got rid of one of the hardest parts of continual smoking... the guilt. For some reason obtaining weed legally and ingesting it in a healthy way makes you not guilty about getting high all the time. Get a card, get a grinder, get vraped.

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