
Let Me See Your Tootsie Roll

So I received two grams of this stuff for free and it didn't have a name. I told the Stoney Girl she could name it and she instantly said "TOOTSIE ROLL!".
I said, "Maybe you should look at it or smell it or try it before you name it."
She replied, "Tootsie Roll."
Tootsie Roll is a decent looking weed but it was very dry and smells like Fruity Pebbles with cat piss instead of milk. It got me a pretty good head high but didn't last very long. Not bad for free weed.
Stoney Boy Change Of Plan- So the original idea was to try out all of these famous strains of weed. But I realized by buying these weeds with expensive names I wasn't always getting the best buds for my money. There have been a few occasions where I passed up some incredible looking weed so I could get weed with a popular name that honestly didn't look near as good but cost just as much (Charlie Sheen). So from now on I will be going with the best bud the club has to offer no matter what the name is. Time to get weird...

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